Thursday, August 24, 2017

Promo & Tour: Cinderella Necromancer by F.M. Boughan

Title: Cinderella Necromancer
Author: F.M. Boughan
Genre/Age: Fantasy/YA
Series: None
Publisher: Month9Books
SynopsisCinderella, Necromancer is Chime meets Anna Dressed in Blood and was inspired by a real medieval grimoire of necromancy from 15th-century Germany.

Ellison lost her mother at an early age. But since then, her father has found love again. He's happy and doesn't quite notice that Ellison does not get along with his new wife or her mean daughters. When Ellison discovers a necromantic tome while traveling the secret passages of her father's mansion, she wonders if it could be the key to her freedom. Until then, she must master her dark new power, even as her stepmother makes her a servant in her own home. And when her younger brother falls incurably ill, Ellison will do anything to ease his pain, including falling prey to her stepmother and stepsisters' every whim and fancy.

Stumbling into a chance meeting of Prince William during a secret visit to her mother's grave feels like a trick of fate when her stepmother refuses to allow Ellison to attend a palace festival. But what if Ellison could see the kind and handsome prince once more? What if she could attend the festival? What if she could have everything she ever wanted and deserved by conjuring spirits to take revenge on her cruel stepmother?

As Ellison's power grows, she loses control over the evil spirits meant to do her bidding. And as they begin to exert their own power over Ellison, she will have to decide whether it is she or her stepmother who is the true monster.

Author's Ten Favorite Things
by F.M. Boughan

When I saw the theme of this guest post, I had a minor flare of panic… because, uh, I have a lot of favorite things. Like, a lot. I often joke that I “fall in love hard and obsess even harder,” but the truth is that when I like something, I really flipping like it a lot omg I need to know/have/do/experience everything related to this thing and when I don’t like something, it’s basically dead to me. 

I fangirl hard, people. 

But since I have to narrow it down to ten things, I’m going to try and contain myself and somehow make this thematically relevant to my experience as a debut author. So, here are ten of my favorite things that have helped me during my debut year or which I’ve relied on to inspire me or, frankly, keep my sanity intact.

10. Starbucks Flat Whites

Look, I don’t know what they put in these to make them so delicious, but I often wake up craving a Flat White and feel incomplete until I get one. That said, I can’t afford to drink them every day (or every other day, or…) so they’re the kind of thing I get when I’ve achieved a particular milestone or if I’m having a really rough mental health day. Instant relaxation! Blissful deliciousness!

9. Bookstagram

I seriously had no idea how much fun it would be to stage and take book photos until I started doing it about a year and a half ago (@boughanfire). The book community on Instagram is fantastic, and the photography skills of many bookstagrammers is incredible. I’m so in awe! But I also enjoy taking my own pics, which tend to be colorful and filled with the most random selection of stuff I find around my house. 

8. Goats of Anarchy 

I love animals, and following the Goats of Anarchy Instagram page (@goatsofanarchy) has inspired me in so many ways. GoA is a special-needs goat rescue based in New Jersey, started by a woman who left her high-paying corporate job to care for these precious, intelligent animals who have such a zest for life. They don’t know they’re different, and seeing these creatures overcome all odds really puts things in perspective on a bad day.

7. Killjoys

If you’re a sci-fi fan and you’re not watching Killjoys, you’re seriously missing out. Dutch, the main character, is the kind of heroine I aspire to write—she’s fire, she’s passion, she’s strength and weakness, she makes hard choices that aren’t always right and faces the consequences head-on. And the men in the show are remarkable supporting characters—logical, treating Dutch as an equal, caring for her without turning her into a sexual object. The lack of male gaze in many of the episodes is truly groundbreaking, and the storytelling is epic. I watch the show because I love it as a viewer, but also because it teaches me a lot as a writer.

6. Nintendo Switch

When I’m stressed out, what better way to take the edge off than with a few rounds of Mario Kart? Or running through Hyrule with Link? I love that the Switch is portable and I can bring it with me wherever I work. I don’t love that it gives me an excuse to procrastinate… but as a reward tool, it’s perfect.

5. iiSuperwomanii (Lilly Singh)

If you only watch one YouTuber, make it Lilly Singh. This hard-working girl is hilarious, accomplished, inspirational, and unabashedly herself. Her book How To Be a Bawse is the perfect antidote on those days when I don’t know if I can make my word count—though her hysterical videos are also a great way to procrastinate. Oops!

4. Makeup

I love art, but I can’t paint or draw. Instead, I blend colors on my face! Often before I head out to write at a coffee shop—or even just in a chair on my front porch—I’ll spend a half hour or so playing with makeup. It relaxes me, takes my mind completely off of my to-do list, and gives me a short time where my anxiety literally takes a break from attacking me on all sides. I love creating different looks and trying new techniques (thanks, YouTube!), even though they don’t always turn out. It’s something I do just for me and just for fun, and I love it.

3. Fur/Feather Babies

Most of the time, I work from home in the company of my furry and feathery housemates! My bunny, Rey Skyhopper, likes to sleep next to my chair while I write. My parrot, a sun conure named Mango Calrissian, loves to snuggle inside my shirt (I wear a loose “bird shirt” over my clothes for him to burrow in) or on my shoulder while I write. My cat, on the other hand, tries to avoid me as much as possible, lest I go Elmyra Duff on her. But I love her sooooo much!!!

2. K-Pop

From the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed, I have a K-Pop radio station playing in my living room. When I travel between writing locations, I play K-Pop in my car. When I’m not in my living room and taking a break between writing sprints, I watch K-Pop music videos / dance practices / fancrack videos / etc., sometimes until late at night. I love, love, love it. (PS: Shout out to my fellow ARMYs!)

1. Other Debuts

Yes, this is my Number One favorite thing from my debut year. The YA debut crowd of 2017 has been jam-packed with ridiculously talented, generous, and resilient individuals. I’ve read over fifty debut novels from this crew over the past year, and it blows my mind how much talent is packed inside every single book. I cannot wait for these amazing authors to bring more stories into the world, because they have so much to share. I’ve also found debuts to be exceptionally supportive of each other, which is a beautiful thing to see in a world that’s hurting and full of division. Spreading love and raising each other up is my number one favorite thing!

F.M. Boughan is a bibliophile, a writer, and an unabashed parrot enthusiast. She can often be found writing in local coffee shops, namely because it’s hard to concentrate with a cat lying on the keyboard and a small, colorful parrot screaming into her ear. Her work is somewhat dark, somewhat violent, somewhat hopeful, and always contains a hint of magic.

You can follow Faith on Twitter (@FaithBoughan) for plenty of flailing about food (she likes to cook!), TV shows (she watches too many), and world dance (did you know she's been performing & instructing in Bollywood-style dance for over 8 years?).

Or catch her on Facebook where she just might post pictures of her adorable cat & bird... among other things.

F.M. Boughan is represented by Bill Contardi of Brandt & Hochman

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