Author: Beverley Oakley
Genre/Age: Historical Romantic Suspense/Adult
Series: Daughters of the Sin Series (Book Five)
Publisher: Self-published
Links: Goodreads
Synopsis: Four very different sisters compete for love during an exciting London season: a celebrated actress with a heart of gold, a shy yet daring wallflower, and the artistic, illegitimate daughter of a nobleman.
Caught up in a high-stakes game of intrigue and deceit orchestrated by their sister, the ton's reigning beauty, each must play their part to bring a dangerous traitor to justice while finding a man deserving of their love and special talents.
The gentlemen of the ton are about to discover a woman made just for them.
If you enjoy Delilah Marvelle and Liz Carlyle, you'll love Daughters of Sin, a series that combines sensuous Regency romance with lashings of mystery and intrigue.

After the long pause that followed this incredible speech, Kitty finally said, feeling rather taken aback by such candor, “I am enormously gratified that you should make such an effort to reassure Dorcas of your esteem. And I am flattered by your kind words, too.”
“Miss Bijou, I came here neither to flatter nor to impress but to impart important information.” He glanced at Dorcas and the look they shared was so telling, Kitty’s previous gentle amusement was swept away by the realization that there was something more at play.
Dorcas seemed to sway closer to him, brushing against his arm and taking his hand in hers to give it a quick squeeze before she released it, saying in a hurried whisper, “Tell Miss Kitty about Lord Debeham…and Lord Silverton.”
Shocked, Kitty sat back in her chair, indicating for the others to do the same.
Lord Debenham? The last time she’d heard his name was in the company of Lissa, Araminta and Mr Tunley as Araminta had poured out her fears that Lord Debenham was searching for material to use for blackmail purposes. Material that might somehow implicate Araminta.
But the idea that Silverton was somehow linked to Lord Debenham made no sense. Silverton deplored the man’s morals and behavior. In fact, she knew he’d been doing his best to uncover information that would add to evidence of wrongdoing on Debenham’s part for the viscount had been implicated in the plot to assassinate Castelreagh several years previously.
Her shock must have shown for quickly Dorcas reassured her, “Mr Prism don’t mean Lord Silverton’s bin linked to anyfink bad. You remember them letters Mrs Montgomery wanted me to plant in his study?” The girl blushed for of course planting those letters had been part of the terms of her release but fortunately it had all come to nothing after Dorcas had confessed virtually the moment she’d done the deed. “Lord Debenham were part o’ that only now he’s tryin’ sommat else.”
“Oh,” Kitty said faintly. It was all she could manage right now as she took in the horrifying ramifications. If the ruthless viscount was continuing a vendetta against her darling Silverton, where might it end? Swallowing, she added, “I have no liking for Lord Debenham but surely if Silverton has nothing to hide he has nothing to fear?” It was a foolish hope, she knew. It also bolstered her determination following her recent discussion in Ralph Tunley’s lodgings to do all she could to assist in bringing the Debenham to justice.
That, she now knew, was what Lissa and Mr Tunley were intent on dong but if Kitty could help achieve an aim which in turn helped Lissa and Mr Tunley to finally wed, so much the better.
A lump of grief lodged in Kitty’s throat. Lord Silverton could never be hers, she knew, but if Kitty couldn’t be happy with the man she loved, nothing would give her greater pleasure than seeing Lissa finally able to marry Lord Tunley. Finding a way to apprehend Lord Debenham would go a long way towards achieving that.
Beverley was seventeen when she bundled up her first 500+ page romance and sent it to a publisher. Rejection followed swiftly. Drowning one’s heroine on the last page, she was informed, was not in line with the expectations of romance readers.
So Beverley became a journalist.
After a whirlwind romance with a handsome Norwegian bush pilot she met in Botswana, Beverley discovered her “Happy Ever After”, saved her heroine from drowning in her next manuscript and had her first Regency romance published in 2009.
Since then, she’s written more than fifteen sizzling historical romances laced with mystery, intrigue and suspense under the name Beverley Oakley.
She also writes psychological historicals, and Colonial-Africa-set romantic suspense, as Beverley Eikli.
With an inspiring view of a Gothic nineteenth-century insane asylum across the road, Beverley lives north of Melbourne with her gorgeous husband, two lovely daughters and rambunctious Rhodesian Ridgeback, Mombo, named after the Okavango Delta safari lodge where she and her husband met.
She loves it when readers get in touch, and you can find out more on her website:
Or catch up with her here:
Twitter: @BeverleyOakley
And you can buy Lady Unveiled~The Cuckold Conspiracy here:
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